We'll work on this short assignment today and tomorrow:
Jesus Christ Superstar RAFT
It looks like this:
After viewing the 1971 movie version of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Jesus Christ Superstar” and after readings and reporting on two of the four main books of the New Testament, you will report on Webber’s interpretation of some biblical events. This should help you to develop your understanding of the final days of Christ, as seen through modern interpretations of the Gospels.
· Choose any combination of ONE “item” from each of the FOUR columns below. Using one each from the RAFT (Role, Audience, Format, Topic – get it? R.A.F.T.?) you are to submit a work worthy of this Grade 11 Academic-level class.
Jesus Christ
Statement or Song
I would like the healing to begin . . .
Mary Magdalene
Rolling Stone Magazine
Opinion Piece
The Palestinians should be given parts of Israel as their own land . . .
Judas Iscariot
Your extended family
Poster Board –style presentation
Christian sacraments are still important . . .
Pontius Pilate
Friends at a party
Quilt / Collage
We should remove the “God” reference from the Charter of Rights …
King Herod
Your parents
Jesus was just a man, not a God . . .
Your siblings
Christian beliefs challenge the status quo . . .
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Your Science teacher
Civil practices are influenced by Christian symbols . . .
You MUST include:
· An brief autobiography of the person whose ROLE you have chosen to play.
· Lyrics from one of the songs from the film.
· Biblical quotes from the relevant parts of the New Testament.
· Your interpretation of how Christianity remains relevant to today’s modern world despite some of its main precepts being based upon events occurring 2000 years ago.
This is very open ended and is intended to be fun yet challenging.
The main challenge arises in creating your character (Role), playing to your Audience appropriately, creating a suitable end product (Format), and drawing strong connections and points of significance from the movie to your topic.
Knowledge /20
Thinking /20
Application /20
Communic. /20
Level 1 (11 or fewer marks)(0 - 59%)
Level 2 (12 or 13 marks)(60 - 69%)
Level 3 (14 or 15 marks)(70 - 79%)
Level 4 (16, 17, 18, 19 or 20 marks)(80 - 100%)
Accurate and informative in reporting on ideas and issues fundamental to a modern interpretation of Christianity.
Shows little knowledge of the ideas and issues that are fundamental to a modern interpretation of Christianity.
Shows some knowledge of the ideas and issues that are fundamental to a modern interpretation of Christianity.
Shows considerable knowledge of the ideas and issues that are fundamental to a modern interpretation of Christianity.
Shows thorough knowledge of the ideas and issues that are fundamental to a modern interpretation of Christianity.
Character’s perspective is reasonable and supported well.
Character’s perspectives are supported weakly in helping to support ideas about a modern interpretation of Christianity.
Character’s perspectives are supported with some effectiveness in helping to support ideas about a modern interpretation of Christianity.
Character’s perspectives are supported with considerable effectiveness in helping to support ideas about a modern interpretation of Christianity.
Character’s perspectives are supported with a high degree of effectiveness in helping to support ideas about a modern interpretation of Christianity.
Applies issues and ideas and quotes that are fundamental to support ideas on the relevance of Christianity in the modern world.
Identifies and explains the relationship between biblical ideas and issues and modern Christianity with limited effectiveness.
Identifies and explains the relationship between biblical ideas and issues and modern Christianity with some effectiveness.
Identifies and explains the relationship between biblical ideas and issues and modern Christianity with considerable effectiveness.
Identifies and explains the relationship between biblical ideas and issues and modern Christianity with a high degree of effectiveness.
Clarity, expression, and visual / intellectual impact on audience.
Correct language use including spelling, grammar, syntax.
- Communicates ideas with limited clarity and quality of expression.
- Weak language skills including many poor word choices and/or errors.
-Communicates ideas with some clarity and quality of expression.
- Fair language skills including many poor word choices and/or errors.
- Communicates ideas with considerable clarity and quality of expression.
- Good language skills including many poor word choices and/or errors.
- Communicates ideas with a high degree of clarity and quality of expression.
- Excellent language skills including many poor word choices and/or errors.
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