Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Human Impulse Towards Spirituality cont'd

Bruce Cockburn, a famous Canadian singer-songwriter-guitarist, started us off with two songs that deal with our need to transcend ourselves . . .

Pacing the Cage  &   Lyrics
Wondering Where the Lions Are  &   Lyrics

Today you have this handout to help you think about why most humans are compelled towards some form of spirituality.  You will be working in pairs to fill up this editable document.

What came out of this discussion is the following which helps to address the main ideas about why humans see to be compelled towards some form of spirituality:

1. There is an evolutionary connection towards Spirituality:
- “group” thinking is beneficial - evolution favoured the power and wisdom of the group
- the group’s values were shared so they all “pulled in the same direction”

2. Humans are sooooo intelligent that we ask questions about our existence that are almost impossible to answer.
- Fear of the unknown prompts us to find out about those unknowns - we are curious.
- Seeking answers from higher powers, be they spiritual or wise people (ministers, shamans, scientists, rabbis) helps us to answer those difficult questions.
- Questions include:
- Is this all there is?
- What happens after we die?
- What should good behaviour be?
- How did this all start?
- What’s my place in all of this?
- Why should I be good?
- Can we know?
- Are we capable of knowing?
- Why is there suffering and what can we do about it?
- Is there a purpose to all of this?

3. We look for security within all of the unknowns of life.  Many find that in thinking beyond their own bodily needs, e.g. religion, meditation, community, education, family, authority, etc.
4. People seek happiness (a state of well-being, often through emotions from contentment & joy) and many find happiness when their needs are met. An example of several needs that most people have can be found within the theories of Maslow. Most of these needs are psychological, not physical.

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