Wednesday, December 7, 2011

DAY 64 (Dec 7) Passover and The Pianist project

I neglected to include the link to yesterday's interesting idea regarding the Hubble Ultra Deep Field in 3D, so there it is.  We had a discussion about it regarding whether seeing images from so far away can help us or hinder us in our own understanding and/or belief in a god.  For some it might make it easier to see God as an even more powerful entity than before.  And for others it might fuel the fires of rationality and make it more difficult to accept that there is a god of any sort considering how big this place we call the universe is.  Great discussion, folks, have another lookie at that short video and by all means show your parents, maybe it will be the catalyst for a great conversation!

Today Ashley and Dani did a fine presentation on Passover including a good historical perspective and a humorous but informative depiction of modern Passover celebrations.  And their perogies (representing one or two of the traditional dishes served at Passover) were outstanding, thanks to Frau Schaus., and they served up two of the four wines usually served at Passover, in our case a couple of fine vintages of peach.   We made the point after their presentation that much of Jewish religious celebration centres around recognizing the past history of suffering and persecution that Jews have endured over the millennia - something unique in Judaism when compared to most other religions.  In fact it is sometimes the basis for modern thinking about Judaism because it still exists in modern times, for example the Holocaust.

This leads us to our next project which is called, The Pianist & Holocaust Survivors.  We spent a bit of time in the Library and everyone found a suitable print resource as the basis for your research into the life of one survivor.  We'll head back to the Library to get to work in earnest on this project, it shouldn't take more than two days to complete.  We'll do our Hinduism / Buddhism test next week, but not on Wednesday!

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